Welcome to ABC & T. Hope you enjoy catching up on our family events and my scrapbook creations!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Here are a couple pics of Tyler at 6 months and Brooke on Lefty. She is so brave and wasn't the least bit afraid of riding a regular sized horse instead of tiny Peanut the pony!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed your weekend. I am enjoying my day off with the little ones. Her are some pics of crazy girl on Valentine's Day and Tyler's new teeth. I also added a picture of the large snowman Papa, Daddy, and Brooke made while I was out this past Saturday. I am also posting pictures from my fabulous new crown molding/shelf that Papa built for me. It's exactly as I had pictured it :)
The snowman: Crazy girl: New teeth: New crown molding/shelf: My breyers are so happy to be out of the box after 5+ years! And they all fit!! Guess Papa will have to build a new shelf if I get anymore : )
Saturday, February 13, 2010
So we had a winter storm in the south...1"-3" of snow. WOW : ) I thought a snow storm required 2'-3' of snow! Either way we had a blast playing in the snow. This was the second time Brooke has seen snow but the first time she can remember. She started off excited but quickly realized how cold snow really is. Here are some pics from our adventure.
Snow buds: Ty's snow angel: Our miniature snowman: Brooke's snow angel: The palm tree by the pond: Out bright and early in the morning: Snow family:
Sunday, February 7, 2010
So, Brooke has decided she wants to start riding lessons. Grammy Marsha and I were SO excited. For her 4th birthday Grammy Marsha bought her a helmet and paddock boots and I bought her a wash bucket filled with brushes and extra goodies. We even got Grammy Bonnie and Papa Gary in on the action. They bought her a pair of riding pants! Even though it was pouring down rain during her first lesson she learned to steer Peanut with the reins. She actually steered her into all the mud puddles. Peanut wasn't so excited : ) Brooke even trotted and laughed the whole time. I think I'm in trouble. She is fearless!! Here are a couple pictures from her first lesson. Here are a couple other pictures of Tyler in his cute hat and with his new best friend:
Friday, February 5, 2010
For February I was able to create layouts using TTT's February Kit #3. Here are the layouts and mini album I created:
Mini Heart Album: And the layouts: This layout includes a picture Brooke drew of Me, Daddy, Ty, and herself! I love this layout because the pic is my favorite but I also listed how Brooke and Ty are COMPLETE opposites when it comes to EVERYTHING!